My name is Mihaela Noroc and I’m doing a project called The Atlas of Beauty.
In the past two years I traveled around the world and I photographed hundreds of women in diverse environments. My goal is to show that beauty is in our differences, not in trends, money or race.
The Atlas of Beauty became viral on the internet and suddenly, something made with my own small savings became a well known project all over the world.
This made me realize that it is important to continue and show more diversity of our planet. There are many other beautiful faces, places and ages that wait to be discovered and it wouldn’t be fair to leave them out of the project.
In June I am planing to start a new journey, to add more images to The Atlas of Beauty. This time people from all around the world are able to choose my destinations. Through my Indiegogo Crowdfunding campaign contributors can vote for a place where they would like to see The Atlas of Beauty.
After this journey I will finally have enough images to publish a photo book about our planet’s diversity shown through portraits of women.